Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Favourite Movie?

Sunday, 26 September 2010
From anime to manga
After a month without manga I figured a good place to start would be Naruto. Naruto was the first manga I started reading. Back then I was much more into anime, I watched loads of anime, I couldn't get enough. But now, I hardly watch any, manga took over and I don't feel a need to return to anime. If you're wondering what caused the shift from anime to manga the answer is simple...Naruto. After watching Naruto devotedly for a few years, I wanted to know more. Anime progresses fairly slowly, they have to flesh out the story to make it a viable show and they throw in filler arcs when they want.
I was aware that manga was the primary media and anime the secondary so manga was ahead in terms of the story. My impatience and desire to know what would happen (without spoilers) drove me to read Naruto instead of watching it. I got my wish, I read and read and read happily finding out what happened well ahead of the anime. Sadly, it did not last long, I caught up with the publication and hit a wall. Forced to wait for the weekly releases until the manga inevitably ended.
Or did I? Well, yes but, there was something I could do to sate my appetite while I waited...read something else. Bleach was the obvious choice, it was another anime I desperately wanted see more of. Reading Bleach followed the same path as reading Naruto, I caught up. This was my pattern, I would find a manga, read as much as I could and then move onto a new one. Now I wait patiently (sort of) for the releases of all of the manga I read. I still look for new stuff to read but it is difficult, it appears as though I already read all of the manga that have many chapters. Its not all bad news though, manga is something worth waiting for and in the end when they finish...I can go back to the start and read through every chapter without having to wait.
Tuesday, 21 September 2010

I love reading manga, to the point where I usually check manga sites whenever I'm on a pc in the hope that something will have updated. Manga offers a relief from everyday life; more than reading normal books and playing games. I get to appreciate the art, the story, the characters and the effort put into it whilst still being able to imagine so much of it for myself. I've actually been reading manga for more than 3 years, I'm reading about 30 manga now and have completed around 15.
But, I haven't read any manga or even been on a manga site in the last month. The last One piece chapter announced a four week break so I decided to take a break too...mostly to see if I could actually abstain from manga.
This might not seem like much but to someone who is practically addicted, it was a mammoth task. However this is the last week of my self-restraint, in a few days I'll return to manga and then I can write about that. For now I'll just tell ya'll about the stuff I've read.
Here's some of the ongoing stuff I read, if you want more info or to make some recommendations leave a comment.
One Piece, Bleach, Naruto, Claymore, History’s Strongest Disciple Kenichi, Beelzebub, Liar Game, Soul Eater, Fairy Tail, Hunter X Hunter, Zetman, Gamaran, AIKI, Jackals, Gantz, Berserk
Monday, 20 September 2010
Resident Evil...really?

Today was my first day as a second year university student, so this seems like a good time to write about Resident Evil. I watched Afterlife a few days ago in 3D and while I enjoyed the film, I feel that there is something completely wrong with the movie franchise.
I must say, I adore the games, RE is one of my favourite game series'. I can't understand how they produce films of a standard so far below that of the games.
The first three films took very little from the games, a few characters (no Leon?), Umbrella, Nemesis, Raccoon City and some other stuff; I can live with that. But for Afterlife, Anderson took several elements from RE 5 the axeman, new zombies, some dialogue and a scene from a cgi cut scene, I could live with this stuff, if it made sense. No explanation was given for the new enemies, Chris and Claire were given no back story and stealing an entire scene from the game just seems lazy. At least the silver dollar shotguns were pretty awesome.
I guess it would have been better if they had used a different title, then I wouldn't build my expectations only to be disappointed.
I should have another post later, I guess I'm in the mood for blogging.