Monday, 20 September 2010

Resident Evil...really?

Today was my first day as a second year university student, so this seems like a good time to write about Resident Evil. I watched Afterlife a few days ago in 3D and while I enjoyed the film, I feel that there is something completely wrong with the movie franchise.

I must say, I adore the games, RE is one of my favourite game series'. I can't understand how they produce films of a standard so far below that of the games.

The first three films took very little from the games, a few characters (no Leon?), Umbrella, Nemesis, Raccoon City and some other stuff; I can live with that. But for Afterlife, Anderson took several elements from RE 5 the axeman, new zombies, some dialogue and a scene from a cgi cut scene, I could live with this stuff, if it made sense. No explanation was given for the new enemies, Chris and Claire were given no back story and stealing an entire scene from the game just seems lazy. At least the silver dollar shotguns were pretty awesome.

I guess it would have been better if they had used a different title, then I wouldn't build my expectations only to be disappointed. 

I should have another post later, I guess I'm in the mood for blogging.


Come At Me Bro said...

This is sweet!

Orfeas said...

Pretty neat i might say

David Davidson said...

Really disappointed in the Resident Evil movies in general. None of the characters from the game.

MellowCoke said...

Cool, will check it out.

Anonymous said...

i like your post!;) cool bro;)
supportin & follow you;)

Undertaker said...

Not a big fan of the movie.
Reasons why are pretty much explained in your post

Dilly Skates said...

they need to stop

Water Proof Chicken said...

I havent seen it yet.

momo said...

supporting you! great blog

Archivist said...

ill watch it eventually

Ajeis said...

I totally agree with your views on the new resident evil movie.

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Good Afternoon

This post was interesting, how long did it take you to write?

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